Tiva Testimonials Slider

Show your testimonials on carousel slider.

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It is so easy to install Tiva Testimonials Slider. Just include some css and js files to your website. If your website has already font-awesome and jquery, don't need include them.

<!-- Include css file -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/css/font-awesome.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/css/owl.carousel.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/css/owl.theme.default.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/css/testimonial.css">

<!-- Include js file -->
<script src="assets/js/jquery.min.js">
<script src="assets/js/owl.carousel.js">
<script src="assets/js/testimonial.js">


To display Tiva Testimonials Slider in page, just add div element with structure :

<div class="tiva-testimonials-slider" data-source="json" data-items="4" data-style="1">

In which :

  • data-items="4" : Number of testimonials to display per step. Default value : 3.
  • data-style="1" : Style for testimonials slider. There are 7 styles now : 1 -> 7. Default value : 1.
  • data-source="json" : source of testimonials. There are 2 options : json (feed testimonials from json file) and php (feed testimonials from php file). Default value : json.

- Feed testimonials from json file : You can modify testimonial list at file testimonials/testimonials.json. The images of testimonials is stored in folder testimonials/images.

- Feed testimonials from php file : To be flexible to integrate with your website, this plugin let you feed testimonials from your database via ajax. Please open file testimonials/testimonials.php, modify code to connect to your database and get testimonials data, then adapt it with testimonial variable in file (The example is already in this file).

Other option params :

  • data-autoplay="true" : Auto play slider or not. There are 2 options : true and false. Default value : false.
  • data-nav="false" : Show slider navigation or not. There are 2 options : true and false. Default value : true.
  • data-image="square" : Set image of testimonial is circle or square. There are 2 options : circle and square. Default value : circle.
  • data-effect="fadeOut" : If you want fadeout effect, use this option with value : fadeOut. It only apply for 1 item per step.
  • data-color='{"background":"#eee","name":"#5AA4A3","job":"#de935f","rating":"#567BD2","content":"#627f9a","image":"#d26e4b"}' : Customize color for background item, name, job, rating, content, border image.
Style 1 (With Background)
Style 1 (Without Background, Square Image)
Style 1 (1 Item)
Style 2
Style 3
Style 4 (With Custom Color)
Style 5
Style 6
Style 7