Price your book order

At Edition One, we make custom sized books to order. To generate pricing for your project, please fill in the form below and select your desired options. Different binding types have different minimum and maximum sizes. Please see the Binding types page for more information. Books must be formatted in 1/4″ (0.25″) increments.
Important: orders of 750x or more may be printed with an offset press and have sewn & glued bindings. These orders can take 8-10 weeks to complete as they are printed with our trusted partners overseas - the quality is truly fantastic. To learn more about how our offset printed book program works, please follow this link.
When your files are prepared and you are ready to order your books, please submit the order using our Project Request Form.

Interior Paper Type:

Select cover options
Color Pages
B&W Text/Grayscale Pages
Blank Pages
Total # of Copies
Total Sheet Count

Fixed Cost Price Guide

Foil stamping dies are $75 each.

Inset image set-up fee is $50 per placement.

Foil set-up fee is $50 per placement.

Screen Printing set-up fee is $75 per color.

Dust jacket set-up fee is $50 per order.

Proofs are 20 cents per page + a $25 flat fee.

* CIF: the price shown includes 'Cost Insurance & Freight' to Oakland, CA. Final freight from Oakland to your location via truck will be at additional cost.